Gladiator, Copenhagen 2022. In Danish.
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Translated extract in English here
Lycius | Gladiator, Copenhagen 2020. In Danish.
Read extract on ISSUU
Gladiator, Copenhagen 2019. In Danish.
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Livet er en fest og så dør man
Gladiator, Copenhagen 2018. In Danish.
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Forlaget People's, Copenhagen 2023. In Danish.
Collection of erotic fiction. With stories from Glenn Bech, Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Elias Sadaq, and others.
Vild Maskine, Copenhagen 2021. In Danish.
Collective short story collection. Together with Dennis Agerblad, Mads Ananda Lodahl, and Tomas Lagermand Lundme.
Det liderlige røvrul tager ordet
essaay in literary periodical Kritiker, Stockholm 2021. In Danish.
short story in Hodiernal #1, Copenhagen 2017. In English.