I had my literary debut in 2018 with the novel Livet er en fest og så dør man about the gay techno scene in Berlin. My second novel Antityskland came the year after and, also set in Berlin, it's a story about neighbour wars and nazi accusations on the leftist scene. 

My third novel Tættere på Jorden end jorden from 2020 has swapped the Berlin subculture for an unnamed Danish province. It's about anxiety, innocence, bullying, escaping into androgynous britpop, and learning to masturbate to Cocteau Twins.

In 2022 came my fourth novel Romeo & Seahorse which dives head-on into the world of chemsex, while at the same time being an exploration love, both in practice and in theory.

I was born in 1980 in Odense, Denmark. I studied film and media at the Univivesity of Copenhagen, journalism at DJMX in Aarhus, and gender and madia analysis at Malmö University. Still, I never stayed anywhere long enough to finish a degree.

In the noughties, I was part of the Copenhagen art and nightlife collective dunst where I also started my musical project Nuclear Family. I wrote and produced four Nuclear Family albums and played around 200 shows all over Europe, from Queeruption in Barcelona to Lars von Trier's 50th birthday.

Since 2007 I have lived in Berlin and worked as a musician, DJ, performer, bartender, tech supporter, cook, and porn actor. 


